
Docs for payments API methods.

1. getDeviceSerialNumber

getDeviceSerialNumber(): Promise<string>

Returns serial number of device as typestring.

2. getReceipt

getReceipt(txnId: string): Promise<TransactionReceiptData>

Returns receipt data for the particular transaction ID.

Accepts transactionId as parameter.

Returns TransactionReceiptData:

date: string;
approvalCode: string;
appVersion: string;
businessName: string;
retrievalReferenceNumber: string;
deviceId: number;
responseCode: string;
issuerCTI: string;
merchantTidVisibility: number;
'9F12': string;
merchantId: string;
'9F11': string;
appId: string;
appPerName: string;
timestampGMT: string;
fullCardType: string;
acquirerName: string;
batchNumber: string;
longitude: string;
ac: string;
receivingInstitutionCode: string;
transactionID: string;
firstName: string;
tvr: string;
custMaskedCardNumber: string;
tipOption: string;
tgTransactionID: string;
creditDebitCardType: string;
billNumber: string;
applicationId: string;
processingFeeMode: string;
cardNumber: string;
acquirerLogo: string;
statusCode: string;
cid: string;
latitude: string;
offlineCounter: string;
custTidVisibility: number;
terminalId: string;
tsi: string;
creditDebitCardTypeName: string;
result: string;
processingMerchantCode: string;
expiryDate: string;
refTransactionType: string;
appLabel: string;
invoiceNumber: string;
currency: string;
cashBackAmount: string;
tgName: string;
cashBack: string;
issuerBankName: string;
amount: string;
merchantMidVisibility: number;
cardHolderName: string;
address2: string;
tipAmount: string;
transactionStatus: string;
transactionMode: string;
address1: string;
cardType: string;
custMidVisibility: number;
'9F06': string;
message: string;
balanceAmount: string;
transactionType: number;
isPinVerified: boolean;
stan: string;
time: string;
isSignatureRequired: boolean;
orderId: string;
shipperId: string;
transType: string;

3. readCardNumber

readCardNumber(commandCallback?: CommandCallbackFunction) : Promise<ReadCardNumberResult>

Gives card details currently inserted in the POS device.

Accepts commandCallback : CommandCallbackFunction : (command: string) => void. Callback function to be passed if commands are required which are generated by payment device.

Example :

mod91Sdk.PaymentsAPI.readCardNumber((command) => {
          console.log("COMMAND", command)

Returns ReadCardNumberResult :

cardHash256: string;
cardHash: string;
cardHash512: string;
cardHash128: string;
cardBin: string;
result: boolean

4. voidTransaction

voidTransaction(txnId: string ,commandCallback: CommandCallbackFunction): Promise<TransactionReceiptData>

Voids a transaction for the given transaction ID.

Accepts transactionId as parameter.

Accepts commandCallback : CommandCallbackFunction : (command: string) => void. Callback function to be passed if commands are required which are generated by payment device.

Returns TransactionReceiptData:

date: string;
approvalCode: string;
appVersion: string;
businessName: string;
retrievalReferenceNumber: string;
deviceId: number;
responseCode: string;
issuerCTI: string;
merchantTidVisibility: number;
'9F12': string;
merchantId: string;
'9F11': string;
appId: string;
appPerName: string;
timestampGMT: string;
fullCardType: string;
acquirerName: string;
batchNumber: string;
longitude: string;
ac: string;
receivingInstitutionCode: string;
transactionID: string;
firstName: string;
tvr: string;
custMaskedCardNumber: string;
tipOption: string;
tgTransactionID: string;
creditDebitCardType: string;
billNumber: string;
applicationId: string;
processingFeeMode: string;
cardNumber: string;
acquirerLogo: string;
statusCode: string;
cid: string;
latitude: string;
offlineCounter: string;
custTidVisibility: number;
terminalId: string;
tsi: string;
creditDebitCardTypeName: string;
result: string;
processingMerchantCode: string;
expiryDate: string;
refTransactionType: string;
appLabel: string;
invoiceNumber: string;
currency: string;
cashBackAmount: string;
tgName: string;
cashBack: string;
issuerBankName: string;
amount: string;
merchantMidVisibility: number;
cardHolderName: string;
address2: string;
tipAmount: string;
transactionStatus: string;
transactionMode: string;
address1: string;
cardType: string;
custMidVisibility: number;
'9F06': string;
message: string;
balanceAmount: string;
transactionType: number;
isPinVerified: boolean;
stan: string;
time: string;
isSignatureRequired: boolean;
orderId: string;
shipperId: string;
transType: string;

5. initiateTransaction

 initiateTransaction(initiateTransactionInput: InitiateTransactionInput, commandCallback?: CommandCallbackFunction): Promise<TransactionReceiptData> {

Initiates transaction on device.

Accepts : InitiateTransactionInput :

orderAmount : string : The amount for which to initiate the transaction.

description?: string : Transaction Description

phoneNumber?: string : Customers phone number

cashbackAmount?: string : Cashback amount to be given.

Accepts commandCallback : CommandCallbackFunction : (command: string) => void. Callback function to be passed if commands are required which are generated by payment device.

Returns TransactionReceiptData

date: string;
approvalCode: string;
appVersion: string;
businessName: string;
retrievalReferenceNumber: string;
deviceId: number;
responseCode: string;
issuerCTI: string;
merchantTidVisibility: number;
'9F12': string;
merchantId: string;
'9F11': string;
appId: string;
appPerName: string;
timestampGMT: string;
fullCardType: string;
acquirerName: string;
batchNumber: string;
longitude: string;
ac: string;
receivingInstitutionCode: string;
transactionID: string;
firstName: string;
tvr: string;
custMaskedCardNumber: string;
tipOption: string;
tgTransactionID: string;
creditDebitCardType: string;
billNumber: string;
applicationId: string;
processingFeeMode: string;
cardNumber: string;
acquirerLogo: string;
statusCode: string;
cid: string;
latitude: string;
offlineCounter: string;
custTidVisibility: number;
terminalId: string;
tsi: string;
creditDebitCardTypeName: string;
result: string;
processingMerchantCode: string;
expiryDate: string;
refTransactionType: string;
appLabel: string;
invoiceNumber: string;
currency: string;
cashBackAmount: string;
tgName: string;
cashBack: string;
issuerBankName: string;
amount: string;
merchantMidVisibility: number;
cardHolderName: string;
address2: string;
tipAmount: string;
transactionStatus: string;
transactionMode: string;
address1: string;
cardType: string;
custMidVisibility: number;
'9F06': string;
message: string;
balanceAmount: string;
transactionType: number;
isPinVerified: boolean;
stan: string;
time: string;
isSignatureRequired: boolean;
orderId: string;
shipperId: string;
transType: string;

6. printChargeSlip

printChargeSlip(printChargeSlipInput: PrintChargeSlipInput): Promise<void>

Prints charge slip of the transaction.

Accepts : printChargeSlipInput : PrintChargeSlipInput :

transactionId : string : Transaction id for which charge slip needs to be printed.

isMerchantCopy : boolean : To print merchant copy if true, customer copy if false

isDuplicateCopy : boolean : To print duplicate charge slip

Returns void

7. isAutoPrintEnabled

isAutoPrintEnabled() : Promise<boolean>

Checks if auto print is enabled or not.

Returns boolean

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